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No more blog

After deciding to start a blog and writing my first one on WordPress, my web site developer informed me that I could write a blog on Weebly and it would automatically be posted on my website, so please go to to see more about my new boutique.

New Arrivals!

photo-3I’m so excited about some of the maxi dresses that came in yesterday.  One is a fun graphic with kind of a spin on chevron by a new brand I’m experimenting with, Gypsy Junkies.  The other is a beachy, comfy knit maxi by Elan.Image

Such a great post by Rochelle York. She is one of the chosen stylists for the Phoenix Fashion Week’s MIMs Rocks Fashion event on March 29. All of the looks she will be styling are from Clothes Minded!


This evening I decided to do a little shopping therapy, to get through the rest of my work week and what better way to get in the shopping spirit you ask? Well….scoping out a new boutique in Phoenix of course!

Clothes Minded is a fun and chic clothing boutique that recently opened in February! The unique part about this boutique is that it houses local designers collections that have worked with Phoenix Fashion Week…like Shawl Dawls and JHaus Denim. I had the pleasure of meeting with boutique owner Kim Kendall and learning more about her love for fashion and retail! What is also unique about her boutique is that she wants her customers to be able to learn more about the local designers that have collections in her store; so she features a local designer the 3rd Thursday of every month with a mini fashion/trunk show.


Spring is fast approaching…

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First Post!

First Post!

I’ve decided it’s time to try my hand at blogging.  So, this is my introduction.  My name is Kim, I own a boutique, Clothes Minded in Phoenix, AZ.  I’ve been open since February 1, 2013.  I adore clothes, fashion, shopping, styling, reading fashion magazines……I designed my store so the clothes would be the art on the walls.